Dopamine is synthesized from L-tyrosine, one of the protein’s 20 non-essential amino acids. It can relieve stress, headaches, and muscle tension.

Although it is present in the body naturally, increasing dopamine levels is always possible. Doing so improves brain processes related to emotions, attention, motivation, and other sensations that induce well-being. Furthermore, dopamine participates in functions such as motor behavior and neuroendocrine regulation.

Why Is Dopamine Important?

There are connections in much of the human brain that use dopamine as a neurotransmitter. Dopamine participates in vital processes linked to the central nervous system. In addition to making us feel better when performing certain tasks (which is why it is called the happiness hormone), it intervenes in the correct brain functioning. That’s why increasing your dopamine levels can make a difference.


Dopamine And ADHD

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that begins in childhood and usually continues into adulthood. As the name suggests, it is related to difficulties maintaining attention and controlling impulsive behaviors, especially for men with ADHD.

Research has shown that there is a strong relationship between ADHD and a low level of dopamine. It is specifically explained by a decrease in dopamine receptors in the brain and an alteration in its neurotransmission process.

8 Keys To Increasing Dopamine ADHD

Now that we understand the importance of this neurotransmitter, which can stimulate feelings such as happiness, it is time to learn how it is possible to increase dopamine levels in the body:



After achieving a goal, what you feel goes beyond well-being; it involves the neurobiological sphere and acts as a reward system. Dopamine is involved in this process. When we train, the goal is usually to meet a commitment or beat a personal record; working towards this result and obtaining it gives us the feeling of being effective.

In this case, the reward lies in achieving what we had in mind, sometimes demonstrated by the muscle pain typical of physical activity. At that moment, we are stimulating the production of dopamine. On the other hand, research has shown that exercise stimulates the production of several substances in the body, including dopamine, and reduces intrusive thoughts of ADHD. This may occur as a result of an increase in blood acidity levels.

Practice Yoga To Increase Dopamine


Meditation techniques such as yoga increase dopamine and oxytocin, neurotransmitters that make us happy and relaxed. Furthermore, meditation helps us maintain a free and continuous flow of dopamine, sweeping away negative mental processes such as tension, fear, or sadness. Studies on alternatives to treating ADHD and gut health have found yoga to be a great option. 

Listen To Music

listen to music

Science has shown that music stimulates various brain processes. When you play your favorite song, you experience a series of sensations that are nothing more than a response to what is happening in the brain on a chemical level. When you listen to your favorite song, you may experience a rush of sensations. These can include feelings of excitement, a faster heartbeat, higher blood pressure, and tensed muscles.

These physical reactions are caused by the release of adrenaline in your body. Listening to music you love can also lead to a surge in dopamine secretion, which adds to the overall feeling of pleasure. So, when you feel stressed or sad, try listening to your favorite music to increase dopamine production and cope with high-functioning ADHD. In addition to feeling happy, you will experience a pleasant sensation of relaxation.

Make A To-Do List

increase dopamine

The process of receiving a reward is connected to the same process that occurs when we engage in physical activity. In the nucleus accumbens, many neurons have dopamine receptors responsible for creating a sense of reward.

When these neurons connect, a stimulus is released, which increases dopamine and makes us feel pleasure. Creating a list of tasks and crossing them off as we complete them releases much dopamine. Our brain perceives this release as a reward that follows a positive stimulus.

This process gives us pleasure and helps us remember the task, making it easier to use the memory later.

Expose Yourself To Sunlight

increase dopamine

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) occurs when people feel sad or depressed during winter due to less sunlight exposure. Sunlight increases mood-enhancing neurotransmitters like dopamine. Sitting for a long period under sun exposure can lead to skin damage and cancer, so it’s important to limit time in the sun during peak hours.

Avoid Consuming Coffee Or Sugar

avoid coffee

Limiting these foods can also have benefits on the cardiovascular system. Both coffee and sugar are proven to be addictive. Although, in principle, their consumption stimulates dopamine production, it alters its neural circuits in the long term. Consuming these foods causes addiction by disrupting the normal absorption of this neurotransmitter.

The same goes for drugs: when you first use them, a rush of dopamine is released, producing pleasure. This will be researched again because dopamine promotes repeating behaviors that it considers new and attractive. Studies have shown that the pleasure from food diminishes with repeated tastings, even if the food continues to be considered delicious.

Eat Probiotic-Rich Foods 

increase dopamine

As mentioned before, eating gives us pleasure because it increases dopamine levels. However, you need to be careful about foods that can be addictive, such as sugar, coffee, tea, and chocolate.

When you eat healthily and consume probiotic-rich foods, the secretion of neurotransmitters is stimulated, as they are rich in nutrition. 

Avoid Stressing Yourself

stress free

Dopamine and other substances, such as gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA, act as stress modulators. However, a neurochemical imbalance occurs between these molecules in the presence of high voltage levels.

Over time, a decrease in dopamine release can lead to chronic sadness or depression and cause ADHD difficulty waking up in the morning. That being the case, it’s best to learn how to handle stressful situations. Meditation techniques such as yoga are very useful for this purpose.

Final Thoughts

I’ve listed 8 ways to produce more dopamine, but everyone may have their strategies. Other ways to experiment are to be more charitable and grateful and do teamwork, as social rewards are generated. Or, again, learn new things, stimulate creativity, and fall in love.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Eating More Saturated Fat Increase Dopamine Levels?

Studies have revealed that consuming many fatty foods can decrease the way dopamine works in the brain. This can lead to a reduced response in the part of the brain that controls pleasure. However, it still needs to be determined whether this applies to humans, too. More research is required to confirm this.

How Can You Increase Dopamine Levels?

Protein-rich foods contain amino acids, such as tyrosine and phenylalanine, which can be used to produce dopamine. Consuming more of these amino acids can increase dopamine levels.

Does Lack Of Sleep Affect Dopamine Production?

Lack of sleep can negatively impact dopamine production in the brain, leading to increased drowsiness. However, getting a good night’s sleep can help regulate the body’s natural dopamine cycle and improve sensitivity to dopamine. Therefore, it is important to prioritize getting enough sleep to maintain healthy dopamine levels in the brain.